The Daily Dose #0117

Are You Seeking Christ or Yourself?

Epiphany celebrates the revelation of Christ as the light for all nations. The Magi sought Him diligently, traveling great distances to worship the Savior. Their journey reminds you to seek Christ with the same intentionality, allowing His light to guide your steps and transform your heart. If you seek Him in every aspect of life you will be led to joy, but self-centered pursuits only bring emptiness.

Consider where you’re seeking fulfillment. Are your priorities drawing you closer to Christ or away from Him? Ask God to refocus your heart, so you seek Him in all things. His light brings clarity, peace, and eternal hope.

"When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him."
— Matthew 2:10–11

Brief Biographical Summary

Thomas à Kempis (c. 1380–1471) was a medieval Christian monk and author of The Imitation of Christ, one of the most influential devotional works in Christian history. His writings emphasize humility, self-denial, and a singular focus on Christ.

Fun fact: The Imitation of Christ has been translated into more languages than almost any other Christian book, second only to the Bible.


The Daily Dose #0118


The Daily Dose #0116