64. Is Paedo-Communion Unbiblical? Answering Questions & Common Questions w/ Rich Lusk

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On this episode of the Reformation Red Pill Podcast Joshua Haymes and Rich Lusk discuss common objections and questions about paedocommunion.

Some questions we cover...

In light of 1 Corinthians 11:28-34 -Is it sinful or even spiritually dangerous to give our little children the sacrament of communion?

Does Baptism alone admit children to the table? Or must the child also have faith?

If we are giving communion to our little children, are we in essence saying that we believe the sacrament works Ex opere operato - That is to say… The grace is communicated simply by the act of taking the elements?

How can we claim to be “Westminsterian” while taking exception on one of the most significant theological distinctives of the faith… Namely, the doctrine concerning the sacrament?

At what point are we no longer Westminsterian?

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Steve Wilkins - Unto You and Your Children (Paedocommunion): https://www.wordmp3.com/product-group.aspx?id=185

Feed My Lambs : Why the Lord's Table Should Be Restored to Covenant Children https://www.amazon.com/Feed-My-Lambs-Restored-Covenant/dp/0973011904

Paedofaith - Rich Lusk https://www.amazon.com/Paedofaith-Rich-Lusk/dp/0975391429/ref=sr_1_1?crid=NUMNC2KIUFOC&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.s-0wCCJNywwYDWuuQkrtaw.ZqNTKupgmc2c8gWxTiwKh9vOB13CA8Z_iqpvvOfMbd8&dib_tag=se&keywords=paedofaith&qid=1739746266&s=books&sprefix=paedofaith%2Cstripbooks%2C95&sr=1-1


00:00 - 14:30 - Intro

14:30 - 17:00 - Questions for Rich

17:00 - 31:15 - What is happening at communion?

31:15 - 38:52 - What is Credo-communion?

38:52 - 44:00 - Children at covenant meals in the Old Covenant

44:00 - 1:06:50 - 1 Corinthians 11 Exegesis

1:06:50 - 1:29:33 - More questions


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